You are here: BlueCieloECM.GcfSupport class > InitiateTransfer function

InitiateTransfer function

Initiates a Global Collaboration Framework transfer of the specified document.

Note    This function can more conveniently be called via the GCF VBScript function GCFInitiateTransfer, which initiates the transfer for the selected document.


Function InitiateTransfer(DocID, DestinationShare, TransferOwnership, _
                          OnSchedule, Enlistment, EMailAddress, FileName)
Name Description


The ID of the document for which to initiate a transfer.


The name of the GCF share to which the transfer is to be initiated.


If True, ownership will be transferred to the share specified in DestinationShare.


If True, the transfer will occur with the next scheduled transfer (not immediately).


If True, the vault specified in DestinationShare will be enlisted for the document.


The email address to which to send a notification when the document has been imported in the vault specified in DestinationShare.


The text of the email message.


The name of the document for which to initiate transfer.

Return value

When successful, returns a variant array. When an error occurred, returns the error message.

Related concepts

Understanding document ownership

Understanding ownership transfers

Cross-site workflow implementation

Understanding claim ownership transfers

Related tasks

Calculating import notification messages

Transferring ownership upon release

Related information

GCF privileges

GCFInitiateTransfer function

RequestOwner function